Lola and Tom have honeymooned and we anticipate puppies on 4/2/2025. Medium to small standard size puppies. Lola & Tom Hanks will produce, cream, red, black, chocolate, blue Merle, chocolate Merle, and parti golden doodles. This will be Lola's retirement litter! If you have wanted a Lola puppy, this is your last chance! If you are interested in reserving a Lola/Tom puppy, please fill out the "im ready" application and pick Lola. Waiting list open and has current spots available.
Next will be Rowan and Duke, spring 2025. Rowan and Duke produce mini/small medium multi gen golden doodles. solid coats of all the beautiful shades of red. From intense red mahogany to cream coats. curly and wavy/straight and all will be dark base (black noses and dark chocolate eyes). Reservation list has been closed!
Summer of 2025 will be Meia & Rome. Mini (25lbs-31lbs) solid Intense red puppies and intense red and white Tuxedo. all will have wavy/straight coats with black noses and chocolate brown eyes. Reservation list has been closed.
Late summer/Fall 2025, River and Rome will produce petite(20lbs-25lbs) multi gen golden doodles. this will be our first petite litter and we couldn't be more excited. River and Rome will produce blue Merle, chocolate Merle, red, cream, partis, chocolate and solid black puppies. all wavy/straight coats. dark base (dark eyes, black noses) as well as liver base. (light eyes and liver noses). Waiting list open and has spots available.
How we determine which puppy is best for your family, we take a look at your lifestyle and your availability to spend time with your puppy on a day to day basis. Then we wait till the puppies are between 7 & 8 weeks, and we perform temperament testing on each puppy to determine which family will be best suited for them! Some puppies are more independent and can take on a busier family lifestyle, and others may need you to be around more to be as happy as they can be. If you are interested in reserving a spot for either of these litters, please let us know as soon as possible. We look forward to hearing from you!
Price Breakdown
Small Standard - $3,000.00
Medium - $3,200.00
Mini - $3,500.00
Petite - $3,800.00
Merle coat - $200.00 extra
Cubby is a medium multigen goldendoodle male Intense red wavy coat 9 months old Neutered 45 lbs We are taking applications for Cubby's new home. He is Crate trained, and ready for his new home. Please fill out an application through " Im ready" or email me for more info. lundeedoodles@gmail.com
Male mini/small medium size with red wavy coat. Rowan x Duke puppy
Male mini/small medium red wavy coat. Rowan x Duke puppy
Female, mini/Small medium red wavy/straight coat. Rowan x Duke puppy
Male mini cream straight coat. Rowan x Duke puppy
Male mini/small medium red straight coat. Rowan x Duke puppy
Birdie is a medium multi gen goldendoodle 30lbs-48lbs Parents: Duke & Rowan
Female mini/small medium red curly coat. Rowan x Duke puppy
Female small medium wavy apricot coat. Rowan x Duke puppy
Male Intense red straight coat. Rowan x Duke puppy
Female medium intense red straight coat. Rowan x Duke puppy
D.J. is a Apricot medium Goldendoodle Parents: Lola & Duke
Kash is a F2b Medium Phantom Goldendoodle Parents: Lola & Duke
Fonzi, now Roo, is a medium multigen goldendoodle male Red straight coat 30lbs-48lbs Parents: Duke & Rowan
Pax is a F2b medium Phantom Merle Male Parents: Lola & Duke
Yuki is a cream (Cryptic Merle) medium Goldendoodle Parents: Lola & Duke
Aurora is a Apricot medium Goldendoodle Parents: Lola & Duke
Harry is a Blonde medium Goldendoodle Parents: Lola & Duke
Tango is a Apricot Medium Goldendoodle Parents: Lola & Duke
Foxy, now Piper, is a medium multigen goldendoodle female Intense red straight coat 30lbs-48lbs Parents: Duke & Rowan
Rosie now Kanga is a medium multi-gen goldendoodle female Red curly coat 30lbs-48lbs Parents : Duke and Rowan
Bunny. now Birdy, is a medium multigen goldendoodle female blonde curly coat 30lbs-48lbs Parents: Duke & Rowan
Buddy is a male Multigen Goldendoodle Intense red straight coat 30lbs-48lbs Parents: Duke & Rowan
Clover, now Gracie, is a medium multigen goldendoodle female apricot curly coat 30lbs-48lbs Parents: Duke & Rowan
Rowan (Pupperino) is a medium wavy red F2b Goldendoodle Parents: Honey x Kennedy Rowan is a Lundeedoodle mama
Wolfie is a medium multigen goldendoodle male red wavy coat 30lbs-48lbs Parents: Duke & Rowan
River is a petite Merle Goldendoodle. (26% Golden Retriever, 74% poodle ) She will grow to be 22lbs. River is in one of our amazing Guardian homes in Amador County.
Alba is a petite medium black Goldendoodle . Parents: Lola & Duke
Sloan is a Blonde medium Goldendoodle Parents: Lola & Duke
Cole is a medium Merle Goldendoodle Parents: Lola & Duke
Willow: F1b Goldendoodle Parents: Honey & Hawke
Dude is a Apricot F2b Goldendoodle Parents: Lola & Sire Rowan
Tahoe is a cryptic Merle F2b Goldendoodle with the most beautiful Tahoe blue eyes! Parents: Lola & Sire Rowan
Molly is a curly apricot F1b Goldendoodle Parents Honey x Hawke
Brooklyn is a curly red F1b Goldendoodle Parents Honey x Hawke
Frappi is a wavy cream F1b Goldendoodle Parents Honey x Hawke
Nala is a apricot wavy F1b Goldendoodle Parents Honey x Hawke Curious to see what Nala is like? visit her Instagram
Millie is a curly cream Multigen Goldendoodle Parents Rowan x Duke
Ollie is a Curly Cream F1b Goldendoodle Parents Honey x Hawke
Roo is a Black F2b Goldendoodle Parents: Lola & Sire Rowan
Charlie is a Phantom Merle F2b Goldendoodle Parents: Lola & Sire rowan
Luna is a Phantom F2b Goldendoodle Parents: Lola & Sire Rowan
Zookie is a wavy apricot F1b Goldendoodle Parents Honey x Hawke
MoMo is a curly apricot F1b Goldendoodle Parents Honey x Hawke
Penny is a Apricot curly F2b Goldendoodle
Ollie is a F1b Cream Goldendoodle Parents Honey x Hawke
Maui is a Apricot F2b Goldendoodle Parents: Lola & Sire Rowan
Olive is a black F2b Goldendoodle. Parents: Lola & Sire Rowan
Toast is a curly cream F1b Goldendoodle Parents Honey x Hawke
Mia is a apricot curly F1b Goldendoodle Parents Honey x Hawke
Noodle is a apricot curly F1b Goldendoodle Parents Honey x Hawke
Reagan is a curly apricot F1b Goldendoodle Parents Honey x Hawke